3D Polymer Printing and its Integration into Manufacturing Systems
– Advances and Challenges
2 December 2019
DTU Lyngby
Meeting Center
Meeting Room S12
Anker Engelundsvej 1
2800 Lyngby
Are you seeking for technologies to fabricate products with complex geometry? Are you interested in using additive manufacturing to produce moulds for injection moulding? Not only in polymer injection moulding, but also in metal or ceramic powder injection moulding. Do you need inspiration to applications of additive manufacturing by knowing the state of the art?
By combining PIM (powder injection moulding) with AM (additive manufacturing) in a sensible way, parts can be realized by PIM but have considerably increased complexity and can be produced with inexpensive moulds, thus enabling an economical production of small series with a high production quality.
This seminar will provide insight into the entire process chain of lost-form powder injection moulding from 3D printing, post processing, PIM, demolding, to debinding and sintering. A number of speakers from leading companies and academic institutes will present their research and technologies relevant to this process.
Registration and breakfast | |||
Welcome by Professor Hans Nørgaard Hansen | |||
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Photopolymer printing: a technology review David Bue Pedersen, Senior Researcher, DTU Mechanical Engineering Photopolymer based additive manufacturing is currently growing at a rate of approx. 36% per year. When a maturing technology experiences exponential growth, leaps are taken with respect to the capabilities that the process brings to the industry. This talk will focus on the most recent technology advances within vat photopolymerization and the materials development that to a large extent is the main driver for new application areas for the technology. Learn the latest and greatest about what vat photopolymerization can do for your organization. David Bue Pedersen is Senior Researcher at the technical university of Denmark. David orchestrates the Additive Manufacturing group at department of Mechanical Engineering, which is the largest research activity in Denmark within additive manufacturing. |
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State-of-the-art of soft-tooling process for injection moulding Yang Zhang, Senior Researcher, DTU Mechanical Engineering ![]() In recent years, DTU Mechanical Engineering has put an effort into changing the traditional tool production chain by maturing the so-called “soft tooling” method for making moulds. This method replaces the tool steel mould cavity in the injection moulding machine with a set of soft tool inserts made from polymer. Hereby, the machining time and cost is reduced significantly compared to conventional tooling processes based on milling, drilling, CNC tooling, etc. This talk will present the state- of-the-art of the soft-tooling process. Dr. Yang Zhang is currently employed as Senior Researcher at the Manufacturing Engineering group of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, DTU. She is working with polymer injection moulding, micro product design and development etc. For the last 8 years, she has been acting as project manager on national Danish projects involving industrially oriented research in different fields. Yang Zhang has close collaboration with industrial partners. |
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Freeform injection molding – additive manufacturing with the power of injection molding Lasse Staal, CEO, Addifab ApS ![]() Additive Manufacturing (AM) has had a strong positive impact on product development and short-series production, but has achieved limited penetration into mainstream manufacturing due to an enduring lack of production-grade materials. Freeform Injection Molding combines the benefits from AM and injection molding, and allows manufacturers to deliver components in tried-and-trusted injection-moldable materials with the lead-times, start-up costs and design freedom from AM. In this talk, Lasse Staal shares experience with FIM to date, and ventures a guess at future perspectives. Lasse Staal, co-founder of Danish start-up AddiFab, is an engineer turned entrepreneur with extensive hardware and software development experience. A passionate believer in the transformative potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM), he is equally passionate about removing the key limitations that prevent AM from becoming a cornerstone of global manufacturing. |
Coffee Break | |||
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AM process of water-soluble photopolymer Macarena Méndez Ribó, PhD Student, DTU Mechanical Engineering ![]() Vat-photopolymerization additive manufacturing (VPAM) allows fast replication of high complexity and high precision geometries that are not possible to achieve with other conventional technologies. This study investigates how VPAM can be used to manufacture moulds for the lost-form technology. Two mould designs are investigated: freeform geometry replication for dental applications and tools with complex internal cooling channels. Finally, this study addresses the geometrical accuracy, limitations and challenges of VPAM in order to fully integrate it in the 3DIMS process chain. Macarena Mendez Ribó holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from the University of León, Spain, and a MSc in materials and manufacturing engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. She wrote her MSc thesis about additive manufacturing of bio-inspired surfaces. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Vat-Photopolymerization process chains. |
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Producing high-precision parts with polymeric mold materials Uffe Bihlet, Project Manager, Addifab ApS ![]() The powder injection moulding industry is based on large volume production of high-precision parts. Using polymer moulds as those offered by the FIM concept (Freeform Injection Molding), small volume and even custom part production is possible, but the precision should be as high as that obtained for large volume production to cater to the industry. This talk covers some of the key parts of the journey towards that goal. Uffe Bihlet holds a PhD in Materials Science and is Project Manager of a Horizon 2020 grant at AddiFab. Prior to this, he was Team Leader at FORCE Technology and Research Engineer at MAN Diesel & Turbo. |
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Development of feedstock for powder injection moulding Alberto Basso, PhD Student, DTU Mechanical Engineering ![]() The use of the lost-form technology into the manufacturing process 3D-Printing Integrated Manufacturing System requires the use of low pressure during the injection moulding step. In order to reduce the pressure during moulding, new feedstock needs to be developed. This study shows the effect that slurry composition and powder particle size distribution has on the viscosity of the feedstock. Moreover, an investigation of the mould expansion during the demolding step will also be addressed. Finally, the study presents a two-step debinding process to effectively remove the binder from the moulded part. A particular focus will be spent on describing the geometrical variation and the formation of defects, such as porosities and cracks, during the different steps of the process. Alberto Basso holds a BSc in chemical and materials engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, and a MSc in materials and manufacturing engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He wrote his MSc thesis on powder injection moulding of recycled tire rubber. He is currently pursuing a PhD in powder injection moulding and tire rubber recycling. |
Lunch | |||
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Indirect 3d printing of percutaneous silicone implants Mark Holm Olsen, Specialist, Danish Technological Institute ![]() We use 3D printing to produce soluble molds for percutaneous silicone implants. This gives design freedom to introduce interconnected pores and advanced geometries previously unobtainable. The motive for doing so is to reduce infections for patients living with long term or permanent percutaneous implants. In vivo studies on sheep are performed to asses efficacy of design and material changes. Mark is a Biomedical Engineer, working as a specialist at the Danish Technological Institute. His focus is on developing and processing polymer materials for healthcare applications. |
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Comprehensive methodology for part selection for Freeform Injection moulding (FIM) Elham Sharifi, Industrial PhD Student, Aalborg University & Addifab Aps ![]() This presentation will discuss a methodology to enable industrial end-users identify potential components for manufacturing with Freeform Injection Moulding (FIM) is discussed. A list of relevant factors including both the technical and economic criteria such as size, production volume, cost per part, etc. for part selection for FIM will be presented. The method will also incorporate the relationship of the chosen factors with the objectives which the company wants to consider for adopting FIM. This will be followed by a discussion of an appropriate Decision Support System (DSS) for filtering and ranking the parts will be discussed. Finally, it will be discussed how the part screening factors and method for part selection for FIM will differ from part selection for AM. Elham Sharifi is an industrial Ph.D. student at Aalborg University. She holds a master's and bachelor's degree in Business Management and Applied Mathematics respectively. She has 5+ years of industrial experience within supply chain and operation management. At AddiFab, her focus is on development of a methodology for part selection for Freeform Injection moulding (FIM). |
Coffee Break | |||
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Enabling comparison of a manufactured part to its digital twin Morten Hannemose, PhD Student, DTU Compute ![]() As additive manufacturing (AM) improves and becomes more widespread, being able to compare a manufactured part to it’s digital twin, becomes crucial. Such a comparison can be performed by combining calibrated photography with computer vision and computer graphics techniques. In this talk, we present a method for digitally recreating a scene’s layout by comparing photographs with rendered images. This enables users of AM to evaluate the quality of a manufactured part by direct comparison with it’s digital twin. Morten Hannemose is a PhD student at the Section for Image Analysis and Computer Graphics at the Technical University of Denmark. His works focuses on optimization with data from images. |
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Production of optically transparent components via a sintering based process Aminul Islam, Associate Professor, DTU Mechanical Engineering ![]() Transparent materials become more and more important for applications in which materials are subject to extremely high mechanical and thermal stresses, such as optoelectronics, solar cells, protective optics, dental and medical applications, etc. The processing of transparent materials via a sintering based process provides many advantages and at the same time some industrial challenges. The transparency can be affected by many properties including the part geometry, density, crystalline structure, surface roughness, grain size, defects, porosity, etc. This presentation will focus on the optimization of the sintering process to achieve required transparency of the sintered material and discuss some critical issues that have high influences on the transparency. An industrial case of a dental component will be used as the case study for this presentation. Dr. Aminul Islam is working as an Associate Professor at DTU Mechanical Engineering. He is specialized in multi-material micro manufacturing and has 15 years of professional experience with a unique mix of research experience from both industry and academia. He obtained his PhD from DTU in 2008. His research interest comprises micro-scale polymer processing, multi-material moulding, micro powder moulding, nanocomposites, advanced 3D printing, molded interconnect devices, hearing aid systems, etc. He is the author and co-author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications including journal articles, conference papers, and books. |
Closing remarks |
Registration fee
Members of ATV-SEMAPP or other promoting organizations: DKK 2,150
Non-members: DKK 2,775
M.Sc. students: DKK 200 & Ph.D. students: DKK 975 (Membership is free of charge – register here. Early bird discount does not apply)
All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.
Early bird discount of DKK 200 when registering before 1 November 2019.
Members of ATV-SEMAPP or other promoting organizations: DKK 2,150
Non-members: DKK 2,775
M.Sc. students: DKK 200 & Ph.D. students: DKK 975 (Membership is free of charge – register here. Early bird discount does not apply)
All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.
Early bird discount of DKK 200 when registering before 1 November 2019.
The fee includes talks, breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks.
Binding registration
Registration is binding, however substitutions are accepted at any time.
Please do not hesitate to contact ATV-SEMAPP by e-mailing atv-semapp@mek.dtu.dk or phoning Jytte Laursen +45 4525 4898 or Charlotte Leser +45 4525 4899.