Ultraprecision Manufacturing

-Technologies for fabrication and characterization of metallic components with high accuracy and high surface quality

25 March 2021
Online via MS Teams

The realization of precision mechanical and optical components relies on the capabilities of high and ultra-precision manufacturing processes, tools and systems, enabling high flexibility and compatibility with complex and freeform geometries. Furthermore, characterization of the produced surfaces in terms of topography and geometrical accuracy requires high precision measuring systems suitable for in-line application.

The seminar offers industrial presentations on processes, tools, manufacturing systems and characterization instruments for ultraprecision part production in metallic materials from key companies in the field. The seminar also offers the opportunity for 1:1 private online discussions on customer specific questions with the speakers.

These meetings are available for booking from 13:30 – 15:05. Please state which of the speakers you would like to talk to in the comments field on the registration form below. Reservation is on first come first serve basis.

08:30 - 08:40
Welcome by Giuliano Bissacco, Associate Professor, DTU Mechanical Engineering
08:40 - 09:15
FANUC ROBONANO technology for ultraprecision diamond machining

Gianluca Tristo, Technical Support Engineer, Fanuc Europe GmbH, Germany

In this presentation, solutions for ultraprecision machining are presented with FANUC ROBONANO as a relevant example. Thus, the main features of the machine tool are described with the aim of understanding the key technologies that are required in order to finish functional surfaces with optical quality. Challenges and opportunities are discussed by showing a number of samples that are relevant to different industries and machining strategies. Finally, the workflow for the fabrication of a mould insert will be outlined, from machine set-up to quality inspection.

Gianluca Tristo graduated as M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at University of Padua (Italy), where he continued researching on micromachining processes. Since 2015, he has worked for the headquarters of FANUC in Europe. He started at FANUC Europe as a technical support engineer for ROBOCUT (wire EDM CNC machine tools) and he is now technical support engineer for ROBONANO (ultraprecision CNC machine tools).
09:15 - 09:50
Automated Precision Polishing of Complex Surfaces in Various Materials including AM

Richard Freeman, Managing Director, Zeeko LTD, UK

Zeeko has been making specialist 7 axis machines for polishing high precision freeform glass optics for 20 years. Such optics have a P-V measurement in tens of nanometers and a roughness Ra often ≤ 1nm. Over recent times the Company has developed new processes that include a ductile grinding process with tools that can operate on different platforms such as regular 3, 4 and 5 axis CNC millers and turning centres. Most recently these processes are being released as 6 axis industrial robot polishing cells. Applications involve parts as diverse as hip and knee joints, precision moulds for optical and near optical components, turbine blades and many others. Materials also vary from glass to steel, carbides, plastic, aluminium and many others. Additive manufactured parts in plastic and metal are a particular speciality.

The presentation will review the processes involved, briefly explore the science behind them, the software that enables them to be commercially applied and the capabilities being exploited in the market place. It will end by discussing some observations and comments on the ease of use of this truly automated polishing technology.

09:50 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:35
Optical measurement of fine machined surfaces with scattered light technology

Rainer Brodmann, Managing Director, Optosurf, Germany

A fast, optical scattered light sensor for roughness, form and waviness is presented, which is characterized by its high precision and robustness. After a brief introduction to the basics of the scattered light method, applications from the areas of ultra-precision machining and fine milling are presented.

Rainer Brodmann studied physics in Hamburg and he has been active in the field of optical metrology for over 30 years. Since 2004 in his own company, OptoSurf, as Managing Director.
10:35 - 11:10
Controlled waviness diamond tools

Menno Kalmann, Head of Business Development, DiaTec GmbH, Germany

In this presentation, Menno Kalmann will show the challenges you encounter when polishing a diamond radius with controlled waviness. Within the optical market, there are many challenges you should take into consideration. Lenses are getting smaller, more precise, and more complex. The surface of a lens must be optical quality (mirror) and this can only be made with a diamond tool. The accuracy of the lens radius depends on the accuracy and deviation of the radius of the tool. Accuracy is a tolerance on radius. Deviation of the determined radius is Controlled Waviness.

Menno Kallmann is a Machine Engineer. He is responsible for the business development of Diatec.
11:10 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:55
Bordering on ultraprecise – surface finishing strategies and process on an industrial high precision machine tool

Marvin Gröb, System Engineer, KERN Microtechnik GmbH, Germany

The capability to produce surfaces in optical quality is of rising prominence in the manufacturing industry. The die and mold industry have to meet rising requirements with regard to the surface finish and geometric precision, to keep pace with technological advances in sectors such as illumination, optical sensors, and fiber technology. The precision of modern industrial machine tools approaches the UPM range, enabling the production of optical finishes straight off the machine.

Two sample processes for hardened steel and soft non-ferrous materials are presented. The process is discussed in its entirety, from tool selection, work-piece setup, machining strategies towards a practical cleaning solution as well as the correct measurement of the produced surfaces.

Marvin Gröb holds a M.Sc. in Materials Science. He specializes both in subtractive manufacturing as well as material analytics. Marvin's expertise lies in concepts on machine controlled manufacturing, as well as analyzing the finished parts in multiple ways. He has worked in Product Management at Datron GmbH, Darmstadt and since 2018 he has been a Systems Engineer at Kern Microtechnik.

11:55 - 12:30
Tool geometry and integrity control using camera-based measurements

Ivan Nedrehagen, Business Developer, Conoptica, Norway

Conoptica is in the unique position of having more than ten years of experience in inline camera-based measurements of milling tools. The tools offer you a deep dive into the benefits, advantages and possibilities behind camera-based measurements.

Learn how camera-based measurements can give you more control of your milling tools, and thus,  more control over your process.  See the potential of camera-based measurement – and what lies in store for the near future.

Ivan Nedrehagen is Business Developer & Product Manager at Conoptica. He has 14 years of experience in developing and adapting camera based tool measurements for customers around the globe.
12:30 - 12:40
Closing remarks
12:40 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 15:05
Individual 1:1 meetings with speakers

Ultraprecision Manufacturing – Technologies for fabrication and characterization of metallic components with high accuracy and high surface quality

  • Required on the invoice by some organisations
  • Needed for E-invoices to Danish State Organisations

Registration fee

DKK 1,495 Members of ATV-SEMAPP, ATV-Akademiet for de tekniske videnskaber, IDA Mechanical, IDA Automation, MADE, Danish Materials Network
DKK 1,995 Non-members
DKK 995 PhD Students
DKK 200 BSc and MSc students (Membership is free of charge – register here. Early bird discount does not apply)

All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.

Early bird discount of DKK 500 when registering before 25 February 2021.

Binding registration
Registration is binding, however substitutions are accepted at any time. Just remember to let us know who will be replacing you so we know who to expect.

If you have any questions regarding the seminar, you can write to us here. We will get back to you quickly.