Understanding Injection Molding of Thermoplastics
– The key to optimum plastic part design
27 & 28 August 2019
Scandic Sydhavnen
Sydhavns Pl. 15
2450 Kbh SV
Introduction by Dr. Vito Leo – BIMS SEMINARS SPRL
Years ago, while working for a large material supplier, I used to often present Flow Analysis simulation results to customers. That is when I first realized that the general level of understanding the molding process was far from optimal. In fact, even experienced professionals seemed to lack sometimes some of the knowledge that would allow them to take full advantage of a simulation analysis or any technical advice. The problem is that if you don’t really understand what the problem is, you will not be able to fully leverage your experience, learn from your mistakes and do better on your future projects.
The rheology and the thermal behavior of thermo-plastics are complex indeed. When also considering the effect of the very high pressure used in Injection Molding, things become even more complicated. The compressibility of the polymer will strongly affect the process, and the viscosity of the molten polymer itself is changing possibly by orders of magnitude under 1000-2000 bar.
Shrinkage and warpage are challenging issues when making plastic parts. These defects originate from a number of non-homogeneous processes like thermal imbalance or differential shrinkage. The special case of warpage of curved surfaces (or just plain corners) is still wrongly interpreted by most as a thermal problem when in fact it is a much more tricky consequence of anisotropic shrinkage. For this last point, virtually all information in the public domain is essentially totally wrong.
Over the years, I have also noticed that the “packing phase” is largely misunderstood. When molding GF filled compounds for instance, many people still ignore the effect of the packing pressure on the shrinkage anisotropy and related final warpage.
Residual stresses, discussed in detail in the training, are almost always misinterpreted and wrongly correlated with warpage.
Course Objectives
During the sessions, lasting two days, we take the time to examine in depth all the Physics at play in this important industrial process. The unique approach of the BIMS seminars, started 20 years ago, is to methodically go through the entire process, and unlock all the phenomena by breaking down complex issues into its various, simple and understandable contributions.
Don’t hesitate to enquire about the seminar and check with your colleagues or friends that have already attended. With thousands of people trained in Denmark, you will not have to search a lot to find former BIMS seminar participants. “Word of mouth” is our main marketing approach in fact.
Target Audience
We avoid almost completely any use of complicated mathematics, focusing on making sure anybody, with or without a high level training, can understand the entire material presented. This is why the seminar, presented more than 120 times to more than 2500 people now, is so highly appreciated by a very diverse public of machine setters, part designers, material specialists, professors and students, quality control people, production managers, etc.
Dr. Vito Leo is a physicist by training and has been working for more than 35 years in the field of Polymer Processing and Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastics. He was particularly active in the field of Injection Molding of Thermoplastics and the use of related modeling tools earlier in his career. More recently, he has been working on Structure-Property relationships in Engineering Polymers, with strong focus on mechanical response and part design aspects. The BIMS-1 training has been offered for about 20 years as a course at the Engineering Faculty of the Brussels University and is a unique introductory course to Injection Molding related aspects. BIMS-2, a more recent development, is aiming at uncovering the truth about part failure mechanisms in typical daily use conditions. |
Further Information
A great attention is taken to use a very clear English language so that our mostly non-native speaking attendants can easily understand the material presented. Check some of the regularly published videos and audio recordings on our website at www.bims-seminars.com.
Participants are provided with color printouts of the approximately 250 slides of the session, as well as a full pdf file for future reference.
27 August 2019: 10:00 to 17:30 (dinner from 18:30 – 20:30)
28 August 2019: 08:00 to 15:30
Registration fee
DKK 10.900 + 25% VAT.
Includes sessions during the two days, course materials, luncheons, coffee breaks and dinner the first evening. The price does not include hotel accommodation.
Reduced fee when registering before 1 June 2019: DKK 10.500 + 25% VAT.
Members of ATV-SEMAPP get a reduction of DKK 800.
Rooms can be booked at Scandic Sydhavnen, Sydhavns Plads 15, 2450 København SV +45 8833 3666 via this Booking form
Min. 12, max. 25 participants.
Registration is binding, however substitutions are accepted at any time.