Digital Technologies for the Plastic Industry

– Plastic 4.0 –

25 April 2024

Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelundsvej 1
Meeting Center, building 101 room S09
2800 Lyngby

Registration deadline no later than Tuesday 23 April 

Are you ready to seize the opportunities and utilize current and future Industry 4.0 technologies for the digitalization of the plastic industry?

What solutions are available for injection molding, simulation, data analytics, tooling and prototyping? What skills do they require? How can digital technologies be integrated with plastic technologies? And how can these digital technologies add value and help to optimize time-to-market, quality, productivity, resource management and flexibility?

Leading companies and research institutions will present Industry 4.0 technologies, solutions and applications. Speakers will present how different players and technology providers use Industry 4.0 concepts in the plastic industry. They will discuss opportunities and impact of digital technologies on processes, business models and value chains.

This seminar is a continuation of the previous seminars ‘Digital Technologies for the Plastic Industry – Plastic 4.0’ held in 2021 and 2019.

Seminar organizers: Guido Tosello from DTU Construct, Carsten Lund from EpsilonPlus and Rasmus Grusgaard from Plastindustrien- all members of Teknologisk Videndeling’s plastic steering group


09:00 - 09:30
Registration and breakfast
09:30 - 09:35
Welcome and introduction by Guido Tosello, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, DTU Construct
09:35 - 10:10
The journey from manual to digital - understand your process and interpret your data

Carsten Lund, Owner, EpsilonPlus

Digitalization is a great buzz-word, but if we copy our manual behavior into an automated process, we will miss the opportunity of improving the process. Digitalization requires process know-how and valid data to succeed. The transition from human error to automated error should be avoided by knowledge and analysis. The knowledge of your process, your data, and you customer’s expectations.

One of my questions is – do you know the difference between correlations and causalities? I will try to give you at least part of the answer.

Carsten Lund is the owner of EpsilonPlus supporting customers with quality management, injection moulding expertise and statistical analysis. He has a mechanical engineering background and is specialized in injection moulding. He is also a Six Sigma black belt and has been helping companies across Europe with data analysis and process validation for more than a decade as EpsilonPlus.
10:10 - 10:45
Automatic finetuning of hotrunner tip temperatures – Improve process stability

Jani Laatikainen, Sales and Product Manager, Kistler Nordic

To meet the increasing demand for high quality production in the Injection Moulding process it is important to keep a stable process, despite the changes in viscosity coming from changes in melt index, tool temperature and other external parameters. These parameters can be compensated by adjusting manually the tip temperatures of the hotrunner, but this is a time-consuming task.
Kistler has now developed and fine-tuned Multiflow, an automatic hotrunner fill-balancing technology based on the cavity pressure sensors. The system can run with most hotrunner controllers and we have optimized the ease of installation and use together with the German hotrunner controller manufacturer Fiege.

Jani Laatikainen is Sales and Product Manager at Kistler. Jani holds a MSc in Plastics Engineering and is an Injection Moulding Specialist with more than 20 years of experience with the Injection Moulding process.
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee and networking break
11:15 - 11:50
Digitalization of production – the path to more efficiency

Giorgio Pigozzo, Chief Executive Officer, Wittmann Digital

In this presentation, I will explain why digitalization is playing an ever-growing part in a modern injection molding production plant. Starting from the communication between machines and peripherals, continuing to digital systems like MES and Energy Measurement, we will find out why those tools are needed to enable the operation of a DC Grid. Discovering why this will be the next step in being energy efficient.

Giorgio Pigozzo co-founded ICE: In Case of Engineering, which evolved into ICE Flex, a crucial spin-off dedicated to revolutionizing software solutions for both small businesses and large enterprises. Under Pigozzo's leadership, ICE Flex developed TEMI+, an innovative Manufacturing Execution System (MES) tailored to enhance operational efficiency across the molding industry. The expansion and global reach of TEMI+ were significantly bolstered through a strategic partnership with the Wittmann Group, a leading industry player. This collaboration has propelled TEMI+ into a prominent position in over 15 countries, aiming to become the top system supporting businesses of all sizes in the molding sector.
11:15 - 11:50
Digitalization of production – the path to more efficiency

Matthias Weber, PhD, Data Scientist, Wittmann Group

Matthias Weber works as a Data Scientist at Wittmann Technology GmbH in Austria. Following over a decade of data analysis in fundamental science at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), he joined Wittmann three years ago. His responsibilities include establishing data recording and processing pipelines. His main focus lies on using data from injection molding machines and takeout robots to develop solutions for improved error handling, predictive maintenance, and process optimization.

11:50 - 12:25
Enabling more and earlier Design For Manufacturing optimization by democratizing moulding simulations

Rasmus Peter Knudsen, DFM-Moulding Specialist, Novo Nordisk A/S

Within Novo Nordisk the organization Device Delivery Solution develops the future injection devices. The modelling & Simulation department ensures the robustness of devices within different key performance indicator (KPI) disciplines like GPS, Tolerances, Kinematics, Structural and Design for Manufacturing (DFM). The different KPI’s has often been challenged on resources when several projects need a moulded prototype build, as this typically involves 5-15 components per project that needs KPI assessment in a short time. In the DFM KPI it is no different, often moulding simulation tasks are piling up, leading to extended lead times or, in some cases, a lack of DFM assessment prior to moulding.

To democratize moulding simulations the Gate & Go tool was developed. Gate & Go is a fully automated process, that allows mechanical engineers or designers to perform their own simulations and have mouldability evaluations within a few hours. To launch a Gate & Go simulation only the inlet position and the material needs to be specified.

Rasmus Knudsen is a Plastic Process Technician, BSc Mechanical Engineering, with 20 years of experience in the plastic industry, and a consistent record of ensuring robustness and scalability of devices for high volume production. Passionate about virtual development and a keen interest in teaching colleagues within the world of injection moulding, simulations and good DFM practices.
12:25 - 13:25
Lunch and networking
13:25 - 14:00
High Productivity of Plastic Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) by Integration of Active Cooling Channels

Guido Tosello, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, DTU Construct / DIGIMAN4.0

With polymer selective laser sintering (SLS) is possible to produce highly customized plastic components. However, the long cooling time of the powder matrix limits the maximum system productivity.
In this talk a method to reduce the cooling time of SLS without compromising on quality will be presented. The method is based on the integration of in-printed cooling channels within the powder matrix. A cooling solution is realized using printed channels, and corresponding thermal simulations are developed to predict cooling rates for different channel configurations. Experimental and simulation results show that a 45% cooling time reduction can be achieved while maintaining the same geometrical quality characteristics in terms of dimensions and form error of parts obtained with long cooling times.

Guido Tosello has 15+ years of research experience in the analysis, characterization, monitoring, control, optimization of plastics processing technologies of thermoplastic materials from conventional size down to micro and nano scales, including simulation, tooling and metrology. He is currently Associate Professor at the Section of Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Head of Studies of the Master of Science program ‘Materials and Manufacturing Engineering’, and Coordinator of the Horizon2020 European project DIGIMAN4.0 ‘Digital Manufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production’ (2019-2024)
14:00 - 14:35
Revolutionizing micro-injection molding with high-precision micro 3D printing

Martin Ganz, CTO, NanoVoxel

Additive manufacturing of soft-tools for injection molding is becoming a standard process to increase the speed of prototyping and reduce costs of tools manufacturing. While standards have been developed over the decades, the process has shown some limitations in precision, resolution, and surface quality, which limits its use in the micro-manufacturing world.

Integrating high-speed 2PP micro-3D printing and unique micro-injection molding expertise, NanoVoxel is the first company worldwide to offer micro-molded parts with the fastest delivery time down to two weeks. This new process offers precisions down to single digit micrometers, freedom of design with radii potentially below 1 µm, surface roughness down to 10 nm and production quantities ranging from prototypes to mass production.

Martin Ganz is CTO of NanoVoxel GmbH, an expert in micro injection molding with over 35 years of experience.
He initially developed hot runner systems for small parts and has continued the development of various micro injection molding machines.
He has been responsible for more than 200 customer projects and is currently focusing on new manufacturing processes to produce high-precision cavities for micro molds.
14:35 - 15:05
Coffee and networking
15:05 - 15:40
Freeform Injection Molding – Rewriting the playbook of Injection Molding

Lasse Staal, Director, Business Development, NEXA3D

Injection molding is universally recognized as the most versatile and productive platform for high-volume production. However, high tooling costs and long tooling lead-times prevent injection molding from gaining adoption in prototyping, which is a challenge for product developers needing production-grade parts for product verification. 3D printed injection mold tooling is emerging as an attractive complement to conventional metal tooling, and provides the product developer with the opportunity to source rapid tooling to support product verification and low-volume manufacturing.

In this presentation, you will learn how Freeform Injection Molding, a second-generation 3D printed tooling platform, has helped companies accelerate development while substantially reducing costs and risks.

Lasse Guldborg Staal is a long-standing member of the Danish AM community, and strongly dedicated to removing the barriers that keep additive manufacturing from becoming the #1 enabler of low-volume production. As co-founder of Addifab, a 3D printed tooling pioneer that was acquired by US-based NEXA3D in 2023, he has built extensive experience in the implementation and application of AM and 3D printed tooling technologies in diverse industries including industrial, aerospace, automotive, packaging personalized sporting goods and medical, where he has worked for more than a decade.
15:40 - 15:50
Final comments and conclusion

Registration fee

 DKK 2,750  Members of Teknologisk Videndeling and promoting partners listed in the registration form
 DKK 3,280  Non-members
 DKK 1,075  PhD Students
 DKK 200  BSc and MSc students (Membership is free of charge – register here. Early bird discount does not apply)

All prices are exclusive of 25 % VAT.

Early bird discount of DKK 300,- when registering before 24 March 2024.


Register – CLICK HERE

Binding registration
Registration is binding, however substitutions are accepted at any time.

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